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Cmentarz żydowski Tarnów

Jewish cemetery in Tarnów

Kilka odnowionych nagrobków na cmentarzu. Po lewej leżący ciemny z napisami. Za nim fragment dużego grobowca. Po środku dwie jasne stojące płyty. Dalej nagrobki w formie słupów. Z tyłu drzewa i prześwitujące niebo.

ul. Szpitalna, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

The Jewish cemetery in Tarnów was founded probably in the 16th century.
The oldest among more than 3,000 preserved tombs comes from 1677. The Tarnów cemetery is an extremely interesting and rich collection of macebas and in this respect is one of the most important necropoles in Poland. During the occupation, the area of the cemetery became a place of mass murders, whose victims are buried in a collective grave. In this place, a monument in a form of a broken column coming from the burnt Jubilee Synagogue, was built.

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