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Virtual walks along the VeloMałopolska routes!

Virtual walks along the VeloMałopolska routes!

kula ziemska
Plan your trip in advance! If you are curious to see what the Vistula Bicycle Route, VeloDunajec, VeloNatura and VeloMetropolis look like from a bird's eye view, we invite you for a virtual ride.

Eighty 360⁰ (spherical) panoramas were combined into virtual walks along four cycling routes in the Małopolska region.

Panoramas can be easily translated into other languages thanks to the plugin - Google Translate.

The panoramas are enriched with:

  • trace of the VeloMalopolska cycling routes mapping their course in the space,
  • locations of service points for cyclists (MORs),
  • dozens of facilities certified as Bicycle Friendly Places (MPR).

After clicking on the panorama on hotspot with the selected MPR, three images will appear with a brief description, a link to the website/FB and contact details of the selected site.

Virtual walk along the Vistula Bicycle Route

Virtual walk around the VeloDunajec

Virtual walk around VeloNatura/EuroVelo11

Virtual walk around VeloMetropolis/EuroVelo4

Thanks to the panoramas, it’s easy to plan a cycling trip, view interesting places, check a location where you want to rest or admire the course of a travelled route from a different perspective.

Click, zoom in, zoom out and let’s go!

Baner - wydarzenia.jpg