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Zamek Żupny Wieliczka

Salt Mine Castle in Wieliczka

Słoneczny dzień. Ścieżka z kostki pomiędzy trawnikami. Na trawniku drewniane ławeczki i palenisko z dwoma garczkami. Za nimi ruiny muru z kamieni. Za murem murowane, dwukondygnacyjne budynki połączone bramą z łukiem. Z dachem pokrytym dachówką.  Drugi budynek z podporami. Dalej widać częściowo zza wysokiego drzewa murowany kościół z wysoką wieżą.

ul. Zamkowa 8, 32-020 Wieliczka Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 122891675
tel. +48 122891611
The castle was built in the 13th century in the north-western part of the chartered city and from that time until 1945 it was the seat of the authorities managing the Wieliczka and Bochnia salt mines as well as the salt warehouse.

The castle complex is an excellent example of medieval architecture from modern times, related to the development of salt mining in Europe. In the years 1976-1996, the castle was restored for the purposes of the museum. Noteworthy is the great hall, completely in the Gothic style, with the rib vault supported by one pillar, as well as an archaeological exhibition, an exhibition about the history of the city with an interesting mock-up and a collection of salt-cellars. In the courtyard, there is the oldest shaft from the 13th century as well as the tower and curtain walls from the 14th century – the only fragments of the medieval fortification of the city. In the castle courtyard, the walls of the first “mass caterer” in Poland have been reconstructed, where the mine administration, miners and merchants buying salt were given free meals.



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